External events

External events

Find our external events here. These are activities, vacancies and stories from the partners of SIB-Utrecht. 

Tuesday November 8th | 20:00-21:30 | Academiegebouw Europe reacted swiftly and united to the Ukraine war. Remarkable, as keeping the
Tuesday October 11th 2022 | 20:00-21:30 | Academiegebouw The collapse of the Soviet Union was a turning point for Russian
Tuesday September 13th | 20:00-21:30 | Academiegebouw In recent decades, China has developed into an economic superpower and an important
What does your mobile phone have to do with the disappearance of mountain gorillas in the eastern Congo? And what
June 28 2022 | 21:45-23:00 | Slot Zuylen On June 28th we’re going to look for bats! Put on some
June 21st 2022 | 20:00-21:30 | Instituto Cervantes From deforestation to the loss of the bee population: we hear many
SIB is the social association with intellectual depth. At SIB, you can enjoy, explore and experience the world around you.
Wil jij jezelf graag ontwikkelen door trainingen te geven? Heb je relevante kennis en ervaring op het gebied van medezeggenschap, (studenten)bestuur
Word jij onze nieuwe stagiair? Al meer dan zeventien jaar lang biedt Meines Holla & Partners ieder jaar enkele talentvolle